datetime2 customization


Base classes of the datetime2 module have little if no practical use as they natively are: even if it stands out for its simplicity, rata die is not a common way of representing dates in the real world. Same consideration can be done about time as a fraction of a day.

A mechanism based on attributes, here called “access” attributes, has been implemented to give access to a wide variety of calendars and time representations.

When used on the base class, the attribute behaves as a constructor of the base class, but with the arguments of the specific representation:

>>> d = Date.gregorian(2013, 4, 18)
>>> d
>>> t = Time.western(17, 16, 28)
>>> t

When used on a base class instance, the attribute allows to see the instance using a specific representation, or to call methods defined for that specific representation:

>>> d = Date(1)
>>> str(d.gregorian)
>>> d.gregorian.month
>>> d.gregorian.weekday()
>>> t = Time(Fraction(697, 1440))
>>> str(t.western)
>>> t.western.minute

The attribute gives access to what is called an “interface class”. The interface class is the one that manages converting a specific representation (e.g. the Gregorian calendar) to the base class. The Available calendars table lists all available interface classes for calendars. The Available time representations chapter lists all available interface classes for time.

The real power of this paradigm is that we can create a base class instance with an access attribute and see its value with another access attribute, or use different access attributes on the same base class instance. In this way, the base class object is unchanged, but it can bee seen in many different ways.

>>> d = Date.gregorian(2013, 4, 22)
>>> d.iso.week
>>> t = Time(0.5, utcoffset='-1/6')
>>> str(t.western)
>>> t.internet.beat
Fraction(625, 1)

An intended feature of datetime2 is that any representations is computed only once, when first accessed, then remains available to the base class.

Interface class may have, as it is normal, additional constructors. E.g. the GregorianCalendar class has the GregorianCalendar.year_day() and GregorianCalendar.replace() methods that return a GregorianCalendar instance. However, thanks to some magic explained later, when such constructors are accessed via the attribute mechanisms on the base class or an instance of it, constructors of the interface class return instances of the base class instead, as shown in this example:

>>> greg = GregorianCalendar.year_day(2012, 366)
>>> greg
GregorianCalendar(2012, 12, 31)
>>> d1 = Date.gregorian.year_day(2012, 366)
>>> d1
>>> str(d1.gregorian)
>>> d2 = d1.gregorian.replace(year = 2013, month = 7)
>>> d2
>>> str(d2.gregorian)

And, as expected, static methods of the interface classes are unchanged even when invoked via access attribute:

>>> Date.gregorian.is_leap_year(2012)


Base classes provide a mechanism to register new interface classes at run-time. The same mechanism is indeed used to register already available interface classes at module import time. The interface class must respect a few simple requirements shown later.

Before examining these requisites in detail, let’s have a look at a simple example: we want to define a new calendar that defines each day by indicating the week number and the week day, counting the week of January 1st of year 1 as week 1 and so on. In addition, this new calendar has a non-default constructor that takes as argument also thousands of weeks:

>>> class SimpleWeekCalendar():
...     def __init__(self, week, day):
...         self.week = week
... = day
...     @classmethod
...     def from_rata_die(cls, rata_die):
...         return cls((rata_die - 1) // 7 + 1, (rata_die - 1) % 7 + 1)
...     def to_rata_die(self):
...         return 7 * (self.week - 1) +
...     def __str__(self):
...         return 'W{}-{}'.format(self.week,
...     @classmethod
...     def with_thousands(cls, thousands, week, day):
...         return cls(1000 * thousands + week, day)
>>> Date.register_new_calendar('week_count', SimpleWeekCalendar)
>>> d1 = Date.week_count(1, 1)
>>> d1
>>> str(d1.gregorian)
>>> d2 = Date.gregorian(2013, 4, 26)
>>> str(d2.week_count)
>>> d3 = Date.week_count.with_thousands(104, 998, 5)
>>> d2 == d3

As can be seen in the example, the new interface class completely ignores the way a base class instance works. The requirements for an interface class to be used by the registration module are:

  • Have a non-default forward constructor, that creates an instance of the interface class using the base class attribute.

  • Have a backward method that returns the base class attribute corresponding to the interface class value.

  • All other non-default constructors and all methods returning an interface class instance must use the interface class default constructor.

Once the new interface class is ready, the call of a registration method of the base class does the magic.

Each datetime2 base class has a specific registration function. Required methods also have names depending on the base class they are registered to. The following table lists all these names:

Base Classes





Registration function





Non-default constructor





Conversion method





These methods are detailed below:

classmethod Date.register_new_calendar(access_attribute, CalendarInterface)

Register the CalendarInterface class to the Date class, using the access_attribute identifier to access it. If access_attribute is already defined, an AttributeError exception is raised. If access_attribute isn’t a valid identifier, a ValueError exception is raised.

CalendarInterface must obey the requirements for the datetime2 interface classes, otherwise a TypeError exception is raised.

classmethod Time.register_new_time(access_attribute, TimeInterface)

Register the TimeInterface class to the Time class, using the access_attribute identifier to access it. If access_attribute is already defined, an AttributeError exception is raised. If access_attribute isn’t a valid identifier, a ValueError exception is raised.

TimeInterface must obey the requirements for the datetime2 interface classes, otherwise a TypeError exception is raised.

classmethod TimeDelta.register_new_time_interval(access_attribute, TimeDeltaInterface)

Register the TimeDeltaInterface class to the TimeDelta class, using the access_attribute identifier to access it. If access_attribute is already defined, an AttributeError exception is raised. If access_attribute isn’t a valid identifier, a ValueError exception is raised.

TimeDeltaInterface must obey the requirements for the datetime2 interface classes, otherwise a TypeError exception is raised.

classmethod calendar_class.from_rata_die(day_count)

Return a calendar object that corresponds to the day identified by the given day count.


Return a rata die value that corresponds to the day represented by the calendar instance.

classmethod time_of_day_class.from_time_pair(day_frac, utcoffset)

Return a time of day object that corresponds to the moment identified by the given day fraction, possibly with reference to the given UTC distance.


Return a tuple of two values: the first one is the day fraction corresponding to the moment of the day identified by the time object, the second is null for naive time objects, or is a fraction of day to be added to UTC to get the time of day object.

classmethod time_interval_class.from_fractional_days(fractional_days)

Return a time interval object that corresponds to the interval identified by the given number of possibly fractional days.


Return a possibly fractional number of days that corresponds to the time interval represented by the object.

Inner workings

At registration time, some magic needs to be performed to obtain the wanted results:

  • A new class is created on the fly, inheriting from the interface class. The new class changes the default constructor so it returns a base class instance when called. Since all other constructors use the default one (see the requirements above), all constructors of the new class return a base class instance.

  • A new attribute is added to the base class. This attribute is special because its semantic depend on whether it is called on the base class or on a base class instance. In the former case, it creates a new base class instance. In the latter case, it uses the methods corresponding to the registered interface class.

The latter is obtained by exploiting the standard attribute lookup mechanisms, implementing a context-dependent attribute retrieval. This is well described in Descriptor HowTo Guide:

  • If the attribute is retrieved directly from the class (e.g. as in Date.week_count(1, 1)), the modified interface class (contained in Date.week_count) is returned, so that when invoked with the interface class signature, it returns a base class instance. The modified interface class was created at registration time, so no additional time is required to create it.

  • If the attribute is retrieved from a base class instance, there are two cases:

    • The instance does not have the attribute: the attribute lookup mechanism looks for it in the corresponding Date class definition, where it is found since it was created at registration time. The attribute is created and added to the instance by monkey patching, so the next time the interface class instance is returned as indicated below.

    • The instance already has the attribute, which is retrieved normally. Note that this attribute is an instance of the modified interface class, not of the original one.

This quite complex implementation has a few advantages:

  • Base class instances do not store access attributes unless they are retrieved.

  • Modified interface classes are built at registration time, which happens only once per program invocation.

  • The registration mechanism is common to built-in and custom calendars.

  • Interface classes are completely independent from each other and from their use in base classes.